Calhoun County Consolidated

Dispatch Authority


Serving Our Community One Call at aTime


Contacting CCCDA


The CCCDA strives to provide the best customer support to our callers and emergency responders.  There are a number of ways to contact us.   If you wish to contact us by e-mail, phone, US Mail, or via this web page, please follow the instructions below:






US Mail:


Calhoun County Consolidated Dispatch Authority
315 West Green St

Marshall, MI 49068


Attending a CCCDA Governing Board Meeting:


The CCCDA generally meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 315 West Green Street.  The Board meets to discuss CCCDA policies, approve/pay monthly bills, and conduct other business related to the effective provision of 911 answering services for the people of Calhoun County.  All meetings are open to the public; visit us in the third floor administrative conference room - across from the Calhoun County Board of Commissioners' offices.

Suggestion and Conflict Resolution Forms


        The objectives of the Suggestions and Conflict Resolution policy are:


1.      To provide a formal process for all agencies CCCDA services and for CCCDA staff to file a complaint and/or suggestion.

2.      To document incidents of conflict/dispute that occurs during the operation of Calhoun County Consolidated Dispatch.   

3.      To provide an avenue for submission of suggestions to improve the center.


Form 01.12A - Field Personnel to CCCDA

Form 01.12B - CCCDA to Field Personnel