Calhoun County Consolidated

Dispatch Authority


Serving Our Community One Call at aTime


LOOK - It's 9-1-1 Nikki!

911 Nikki is CCCDA's very own mascot.  Nikki can be seen at public education programs, parades, and booths throughout Calhoun County. 

"Be a 911 Hero"

K-5th Grade - Art/Drawing Contest Winners


CCCDA's Public Education Committee teamed up with the Calhoun County Sheriff's Department to teach preschool thru 5th grade children about 9-1-1.  Programs were conducted at seven elementary schools throughout Calhoun County:  East Leroy, Sonoma, Purdy, North Pennfield, Tekonsha, Homer, and Mar Lee. These schools were encouraged to participate in CCCDA's "Be a Famous 911 Hero" drawing contest.  The drawing contest asked kids to utilize their artistic talents to illustrate what they learned from the program. 

CCCDA would like to congratulate the winning artists who will have their work displayed in the lobby and hallways of CCCDA:

Sydney Hooker

3rd Grade

Sonoma Elementary

Audrey Anthony

1st Grade

Sonoma Elementary

Gabriel Tenney

1st Grade

Purdy Elementary



Sonoma Elementary

Jace Ballard


Purdy Elementary

Jade Brock

2nd Grade

East Leroy Elementary

Caden Reed

1st Grade

North Pennfield Elementary

Mitchel Finney

1st Grade

East Leroy Elementary

Olivia Johnson


Purdy Elementary